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What to Do with Everything You Own
to Leave the Legacy You Want

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Getting your affairs in order doesn’t sound like fun . . . but with bestselling author Marni Jameson as your guide, you might be surprised. In helping readers leave behind a blessing rather than a burden, Jameson focuses on what’s important: taking care of loved ones and causes dear to you—and making a thoughtful plan instead of a mess. Whether you are in the prime of life or your later years; are single or married; have kids or not; are well-off or just getting by, What to Do with Everything can help you: 


  • Identify what kind of legacy you want to leave

  • Understand wills, trusts, and other agreements

  • Head off potential family conflict

  • Decide which possessions to donate, sell, or auction.


As Jameson helps you shape your legacy, you’ll enjoy peace of mind, comfort, and even a few laughs. And you’ll rest assured: It’s not so much what you leave but how you leave it that matters.








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